Calle Hortensia, Estepona
An exclusive property in the Estepona area where the owners were looking to improve and extend the garden area of the property. A solution to provide a retaining feature to the rear of the property as required which would allow the garden to extend to the property's boundary at the same level.
Any solution would have to be aesthetically pleasing as well as robust enough to provide support to retain the large area of backfill that was required.
Rock Foundations (SL) designed the Piled Sleeper Wall which included a system which drove 102mm Grundomat piles at equidistant centres in a straight line just inside the property boundary.
Treated railway sleepers were then predrilled with 110mm holes at centres to match the piles. The sleepers were delivered to site and lifted over the piles into position. Each additional layer of sleepers was constructed to stagger the joints giving a structurally sound overlapping joint.
Additional pile sleeves were welded in place and once the required height was achieved each of the piles was filled with a structural grout. An additional rebar was then inserted for additional lateral support.
Once the grout had cured, the area immediately behind the sleeper was partially filled with granular material.
A subsoil layer was then inserted including a geomat to provide further lateral support to the wall. Finally the area was filled with topsoil to allow for the planting of small shrubs. Once finished, the garden was extended to the property boundary and landscaped giving a whole new aspect to the property.